Saturday, December 30, 2006
I bought three more fishys! YAYAYAYA. Plus oxygen bubbles and new glass not plastic tank. :D
hello Janice, why are you so bored? Would like to play mahjong and win? Janice: uh huh! I am so depressed. Cause my hormones are insane. and i only bought ONE new cd - jay chou. and today you fed the fishes TOO MUCH FOOD! the white one is going to die from over eating. anyways, just now on the radio, some dj was asking how was yati spending her last 2006 weekend. she said ' hanging out with friends and familys, and something something else. so i told my daddy, i said i spent my last 2006 weekend at home watching tv and playing mahjong. how exciting. some weirdo has just messaged my to bring my sec one textbook. WHO ARE YOU! oh she is germaine. do i know you germaine? eh wait. i do know two. one from st.nick the other from ij the prefect. and she sent to the wrong number.
janice was sad and she asked me if i could open my friend's chirstmas present and we could play it.
WE FISHED! the wind up toy
( no battery needed) :D
nicholas got my postcard! it was fantastic!
everyone! 2007 is just 30 hours away from now, so make use of it. do things that you can never do in the year 2007. like brush your teeth on 2006, you cant do that in 2007! :D
thats so stupid. i know!
With love
10:24:00 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
merry belated chirstmas chirstmas was like anyother day so nothing special happened. :/
i bought two new fishes and they are gonna live til
i hope on the 31th, during the vivo city count down,
my nails are now pink, hot pink and it looks rather weird.
and i also knew that i earthquake happened! :D im so updated! haha well no lah, HEARD FROM PEOPLE .
With love
11:14:00 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Hello everyone!
I am back! Finally. I missed home so much. New York was fucking cold; it was like 0- 5 degree. I had to wear at least four to five layers of clothes and put on tones of cream. Our first hotel was the Hampton. The shower was horrible; the television screen was so small (I think my living room telly is ten times bigger) at least the bed wasn’t small. The room was super tiny and with the luggage on the floor, we had a hard time walking from my bed to the toilet. Oh the toilet floor was always wet.
Dinner was at Uncle’s Jack steak house. It was a five star restaurant was the steak yuck. But the toilet was nice though: D && you know the yellow cabs in New York, HAH I SAT IN ONE OF THOSE! It was so cool! I was outside TRL! Times square. Had a private tour around New York and one of the tour, I saw ms.chong; the PE teacher. I went to the TRUMP TOWER! Well not inside, just outside. I took a picture with the doorman and he said that Donald trump just went up to his office FIVE MINS AGO.
So that’s about New York, cold, expensive and the sun set really fast.
After New York, took a flight to Orlando Florida. The flight was delay and there was this creepy man sitting next to my mom and me. He kept smelling touching and rubbing his hand. He brought a book up but didn’t read it. All he did was opened it and looked at it for three seconds and the closes it and smelt touched and rubbed his hand again. It was hard not to look at him. He had white hair and huge glasses, wore a green jacket and carry and green trolley bag. And kept looking at mummy and me. The flight was 3hrs, but with the stupid delay, it was like about 1 hrs in New York international airport. So boring.
Orlando Florida Disneyland hotel was the best. The television shows were fantastic! There was this new show called ‘ Life With Derek’ funny show. There was like back-to-back episodes of charmed, life with Derek, Phil of the future, that’s so raven, the Suite life of Zack and Cody and Hannah Montana. But all these show were only at night. In the morning, while getting ready to leave for DISNEYLAND! The second greatest place ever, (first is home) we tuned in to radio Disney. They play songs sang by Disney stars, Christmas songs by Disney star and all that mumbo jumbo songs. I sat Rock&roller coaster starring areosmith, met Ariel from the little mermaid, got autographs from Disney characters watched the fire works. It was amazing! For national day, the fire works are like only for 5 minutes but in US it was 20 whole minutes of pop pop band bang sounds in the sky. We went of an animal trail, it was awesome! I saw two giraffes and two lions and a lot of deer and five pigs and four elephant and a one thousand-year-old tree and it looked like it was up side down. And many more animals. Pink flamingos – their colors was so pinkish pink. Like the ones you see on TV! We also went to Universal Studio and my daddy sat the ride ‘ the mummy’ with me Jamie and Sean. Yah that’s about it?
And it wasn’t as cold as New York but still colder than Miami. Which was a FOUR FUCKING HOURS DRIVE FROM FLORIDA. Our so-called taxi driver, kept playing weird LOUD music, it was horrible! And his driving wasn’t really that good. It was like bump bump smooth bump bump smooth smooth bumpy all the way. I was so nausea, kept on burping. So much gas. But it rained in Miami. Everyday.
Welcome to Miami. After a four-hour drive, we went to our hotel called ‘ mutiny’ it was the nice hotel but the view was fabulous. It was the pier for boats and yacht. Grass and people. Shopping was alright. Bought tones of trashy magazine – about brad Pitt ange Lindsay lohan brit Paris Hilton. They not wearing underwear. Bah bah bah. Had a tour again, but this time he talked a lot more. He never ever stops talking. Ever when going home, its all dark and we are trying to sleep, he talks! I saw beautiful fishes and coral in the ocean. Saw a snow crab and threw stones at it. Oops! But I ate snow crabs for dinner. Yummy. Hmmm. The 18-hour flight from Newark airport to Singapore was terrible. But I slept about 12 hours and watched little miss sunshine pirates of the Caribbean and prince of Egypt! Whee I’m home. Ta-da!
Its now 12.32 a.m, my Internet connection is spoilt so I’m kinda like blogging on the Microsoft word. In us, it’s about 1.33 pm. But I’m glad that im home. My own room big bed. Ahh.
editied- this is for my best buddie JANICE!
With love
9:30:00 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
20/12/06 the holiday- movie
i am super uber mega DUPER bored right now.
i've got two HUGE blisters on both my feet.
i just had dinner and woke up from an hours nap.
ooh and the post about the NEW YORK is still in the laptop, microsoft word :D
this morning was a really weird morning. first jamie comes in my room at about 2.00am and asked me if i was asleep and i told her to try and sleep. one hour later, janice came and took the laptop and said that she was hungry. then brian called and told me he was bored and couldn't sleep. i went down to the kitchen to join janice and jamie and we ate leftover from yesterday's lunch. HAHA we stayed up from 3 - 7 am. 7 all of us went to sleep and woke up at 9.
met gen at cine and i saw jamie and tyanne. we watched THE HOLIDAY, JUDE LAW IS SUPER HOT and he is a daddy. we did some christmas shopping and went town and vivo city. talked to stella and cheryl.
aiye, jetlaggg. i must sleep. so tiredd
SHOOTME! BANG BANGits like about 9.15am in us. i should be awake but i was awake the whole day.
With love
8:06:00 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
BYEBYE SINGAPORE! I'M GOING AWAY FOR THREE WEEKS. i'll be back on the 20 of December !Auf Wiedersehen.
With love
8:52:00 PM