Thursday, November 30, 2006
With love
11:49:00 PM
hellooooo jac!
this is nick here
so sad jac is leaving for US sat morning
no more random stuff
and crazy lamee ideas
no more singing!
oh well.
random fact
best way to lose phone battery coveris to run around cinema playing tag like silly idiotsclimbing over chairs :Dhahahahhaha
the best cooking show is cooking with jac
cos dishes are easy to make you see
soup and souce make the day's special
contact jac for more information
i have nothing much else to say
seeyou threeeeee long weeks from now!
till then you'll get to read mail(s) :D
alright then!
bye jac!
hahha dont freeze in the US?
takecare! <3
With love
11:26:00 PM
deck the halls
i slept with no curtain yesterday night. it was so hard to sleep! the HDB flats was so bright. i woke up super early today - 4.33am 7.29am 8.30 am 9.10am.
met up with nick at the cathay we watched deck the halls. WE WERE THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE IN THE THEATER! amazing. watched 'meet the robinsons' trailer, there was this funny line.
the dinosaur was hitting its head against the wall just to
get the boy who was leaning all the way in the corner
evil man: why are you not getting the boy?
dinosaur: i have big head and very little arms.
before the movie started, we kinda played and i ran up and down the place. jumping and climbing on the sits. while the movie was screening, we played
tag. ran up and down left right. made alot of noise. it was our personal home theatre. IT WAS SUPER FUN. ( tag you're it )
after the movie we went to eat and he ate some noodles with mushroom and bean spout! i did a cooking with jac special. :D
walked around ps and got dayna her birthday present, and bought her a FANTASTIC wrapping paper. that's all i did for this morning. THAT WAS A GREAT MORNING.
AFTERNOON - i packed my stuff for my tripp! OHYAY!
With love
3:20:00 PM
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
training was horrible. we ran like lunatics.
both of my last toe hurts. :(
my favourite man came today:the man that cleans my room. making it smell nice. :D
stupid construction workers - got ALMOST all my clothes dirty and dusty.
my mummy had to bring them to the dry cleaners. in janice term its called 'sitting there like morons' well thats what we are going to do after our THREE WEEKS vacation! BINBANG!
i have to pack all my clothes by tmr morning before 11.00am. so early! but, i will be watching deck the halls with nick.
AND AND AND the best part of today is i sort of made a new friend in sicc. i forgot to ask for her name BUT she plays golf, sec one, SCGS. yupp.
tonight, i have no curtains. so i would have to sleep with the glass window, able to see everything outside and everything outside will be able to see me!
EE!so creepy. at night, bats fly around.
With love
10:03:00 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
♥I finally I know the trick to this heart thing! IM SO SMART!:/ why didn't I think of it sooner? I can just copy the hmtl off the template from this blogskin cause it has a pink heart below the title. YAY!
i saw Clare today in town, with her mother. We had crystal jade for lunch and steak for dinner. WatchedMr.&Mrs. Smith and Charlie and the chocolate factory. I'm going to USA in less than one week! SO I shall -
- go for training at least two more times - Wednesday and Friday
- go out one more time
- try not to fall sick
I helped my daddy do some gardening, cause there were a lot of weeds and since we are going to USA, he wanted our house to not look like a haunted house. Cause usually those abandoned old farm houses. So yeah. Then we had steak for dinner with potato and mushroom soup.
I'm lazy to type anymore. :D but im going out again tmr.
this is white and nerdy parody of chamillionaire's Ridin - Weird Al. Enjoy
With love
11:24:00 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
AHAHA nicholas! try to beat my randomess lamess and stupidness :D i pretty much said everything that happened in that episode.
`television is so cool.
`it produces colour and sound
`in scince form, heat and light is produced.
`i am amazed at how the cartoons can move!:O
but Kim Possible looks so weird in episode Animal Attraction
its about ANI-MAL-OGY. predicts your perfect mate, what person you are.
WOW! now senior senior is and angry. grrr.
ron is a pink sloth - pink sloth is a lowest amongest the lowest, a follwer, an outcast.
soulmate - ameliea something otter.
kim is a blue fox - born leader, perfectionest, cant resist a challenge.
soulmate - yellow trouts - only cares about himself (senior senior junior)
pop pop portor advertisiment. ron and rufus just ate all the mini corndog.
rufus is too light to press the red button so ron suggested that he eats the mini corndogs in his pocket. so fat.
ron's feet are frozen solid and they are in the water skiing towards the billionair club. kim possible just saved this guy who was stuck to the door handle. and senior just aimed the laser at the huge ice. now junior is thinking what ron said ' you blue foxes think you know everything' junior is saying that are made to be they are soulmate. senior told junior to go home and plot their next opens her locker and flower come flowing out. wade streamed a E-card that junior sent her " my dear blue fox,i will count the hours until my father somthing something. goodbye my love" aww thats so sweet.
!i've completed my story. well not really but yeah. :))
ER i dont want to type anymore. :/
With love
10:07:00 PM
mood: lazy television show: i not stupid tooOH SWEET INTERNET! how i missed you. yesterday, i woke up 9.30! super early, and i get to watch the little mermaid! FINALLY. barry came over and ate beef noodles. it rained and we got wet. :/ watched the simpsons( the whole of season five) dumb homer :D packed our things and when to intercontinental hotel to stay for the day, but parents slept there for the night cause jamie and i slept in their room. i was suppose to go bugis but partsy didnt want too :( so i ended swimming with sean for about an hour, and i went to the gym with janice. we cycled for about 12 mins and lost about 50 calorise:D one frenchfries but we had club sandwich with fries so we only burnt one fries many more to go :/ everyone except for me and jamie, when to watch james bond movie. so me and jamie stayed in the hotel and watched tv - the ending of charmed, ghost whisperer and liar liar. i got so bored, i wrote a letter to nick and then i messaged him about me being hungry and pancakes and hushbrown from macs. YUM*CHOMP* i'm watching 'i not stupid too'.soulfree - what a stupid name for a cat. if i had a cat i think i'll call it diamond :D its shiny! and expensive. bAH! im going to USA in one week. so this tuesday, is my last day going outt! alright! and it doesnt count training. i think .
i went for mass today! woohoo, and i was messagin nick and i dared him to tell dayna message dayna " i think you are fat
" and he did. but went i saw her reaction, i kept on laughing! BUT she wanted to kill him, tired so hard to stop her and told him not to scold him cause if she does then i also kena
.bleahh! i sooooooooo dayna has shiny shoulders. :D byebye
With love
9:00:00 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
mood: tired/sleepy.

music: The Geeks get the Girl-American Hi-Fi
i woke up super early today, and its not a training day :) i woke up at 10.30! i just missed my little mermaid show but i went to my brother's school -PSLE RESULTS TODAY! he got 246! so smart! he has the higest PSLE score among the cousinhood. went for lunch, came home and slacked for half an hour then we when to SICC to bowl. we had to wait for half an hour cause they are trying out this new machine. i think its to clean the bowling alley - make it smoother? so anyways, we played three rounds. i won the first round! HOOWOO! then i think sean won the other two rounds.

. dangit. he was the lousy player since until today.he said a song helped him ' oh margy, you came and brought me a turkey, something something' yeah! he kept singing that song and acint all monkeyish. MONKEY POWER. "twinkle fingers" THERES PRISON BREAK TONIGHT :D OH&my friend sent me this - i think its from photobucket

look! flounder swims! and theres bubble. ahhh
yesterday nightboth my brother and i coudnt sleep so, we hanged out in jance'e room. i took the camera and told sean to pose like ANTM. and he did? anyways i took alot of picture of him. in some of them he looks gayish. hahahaha. HE IS SO P R E T T Y.
With love
8:42:00 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
bah: (
i'm bored.
AND MY TEEVE IS BUSTED :(edit mood:BLAH! so lame/ boring/everything which is not fun.
music: 1985 - Bowling for Soup
well, im freaking bored now. i didnt go for trng and for thr steamboat treat. i'm lost in many many games of resveri. :( and i was about to win when this french guy just left the game asshole !@#$%" super annoying.
FATIN is using the old msn, and so she couldn't see my wonder creation of paint. :] its fabulous. theres something about yesterday night conversation with nick! BAH!
eeyer!somthing is wrong, i cant see the picutre.
oh wells, i guess you would have to click it to see it! so anyways, i think i'm going to the park - no where here town! and i'm going to stick to it. no more town cause the wallet cannot take it. i watched the tyra banks show half way. it was about nicole richie. oooh did you know that fatin and i are related by
PARIS HILTON! SHE IS OUR AUNT! that is the coolest thing ever. oh and donald trump is my uncle. fatin is wondering ' if jac is related then why is she always so broke?' oh these are the question that haunts her. CURRENTLY we are fighting about clare's xanga blogskin. isit mary-kate and ashely or just some random models. i say is mk&a. BUT she says that its some random models. and apparently she won cause she CLAIMED that she went to that page before. rightOHWHEE, i just received a testimonial gen is she scolding me because i didnt go for trng and she brought her laptop. oh oops, my bad! SORRY LAH! dammit! WHY DIDN'T I GO FOR TRAINING. SOMEONE SHOOT ME! FUCK LAH! IT WAS FUCKING SLACK. blah!
With love
8:32:00 PM
we started off with-you are weird then we talked about me having a huge pimple right smack in the middle in my nose! i cant show you guys the picture cause i dont know the blogger thingy is not working :(then its blah blah blah UNTIL i said that im gonna do something fucking lame,i called and said HELLO AND BYE AND PUT DOWN THE PHONE. MUHA!
then we called and shouted weird things like BAH HEEHAW, PANDSAID.
and this was before he was about to sleep:
im talking to brian online. woah! this has been one fucked up night!
With love
12:16:00 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
went of mass with dayna yesterday! yay. and i saw her fabulous green braces, and played with it too. had dinner at a japanese resturant and misses i not stupid too. DANGIT cause my family wanted to see the christmas light in town. SO PRETTY.
i was woke up at 1.30pm this morning and watched some show on youtube-its now my favourite show. anyways, i was suppose to go for the risen chirst comfirmation mass today but i didnt. and stella told me yesterday that she didnt want to go out but just now she called and said that she wanted to eat crystal jade. crazy! im so boredddddddddddddddd. i want someone fun :/
With love
6:27:00 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
i slept my afternoon away(:
i'm too lazy to type anything today:/ i think i shall eat ice cream and watch bye
With love
10:47:00 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
walked/played/rained/walked/cycled/walked/ate :D
i woke up at 12+ went stella called me if i wanted to met up with her, but i didnt and went back to sleep and woke up at 1. jamie rushed me to change and get into the car but i ended not going to town with my sister and brother. i talked to annabelle and she said that she wanted to go cycling and i agreed to follow her cycled. went to her house about 2.10pm and played with BACON! he kept scarying me and licking me! ee! i just want to cut off his tongue. HAHA. felicia was bored and she was on speaker on belle's phone. MUCH LATER, annabelle realised that we were late to meet up with esther and it was raining damm heavily and annabelle made me walk in the rain! EVIL! i was soaking wet and my sunglasses were too! :( we walked to bishan park and it was a LONG way there. went to the rental shop and rent a bike for $8 each for an hour. so we got to return the bike by 4.15pm. so annoying. we cycled ALOT and then we got tired. there were this group of people 6girls and 3-4 boys. and i called them my project caused i wanted to know their age and i was supposed to ask them but annabelle and esther didnt want. DANGIT! oh and on our way back to the bike rental shops, we stepped in grass and mud! EWL! our feet were dirty, oh and went we walked passed the taps, i saw this ACJC guy and said we walked towards the playground, we saw the ACJC guy with this girl in a orange shirt. and i think they are together, i said DANGIT! AHAH they laughed and annabelle said that im attracted to attached guys. :D haha and i said that they are much more fun then those who are not? :P oh well. esther shirt was dirty and so was mine, we headed back to annabelle's place with a big bottle of green tea and three tonyum. ate and watched the devil wears prada. i forwarded most of the watch cause it was rather boring and annabelle's sister connea( her eyes) kinda tore, cause of wearing too much contacts. SO PEOPLE! DONT WEAR CONTACTS SO OFTEN! its not good for you. so she is pretty much blind FOR THAT WEEK :D
With love
9:26:00 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
my brother was watching PB&J just now on playhouse disney! AIYOH BOY! you next year sec one still watch cartoon! anyways, i finished packing my books ALRIGHT! and now my shelfs is super duper neat. and all the papers are either filed or thrown away. i surived only on fishmen sweet. my sister kept coming into my room and looking through my test books. tonight is my cupboards. which is damm messy. you cannot find anything at the bottom all you see in the top part which is messay and filled with rubbish.
:D this morning jaime called to wake up me. MY SWEET MORNING CALLER. but i sounded so angry-sorry dear! i was still having the dratted sore throat! about 5 hours later, pearlyn called me and asked me if i wanted to go out but i couldnt understand what she was saying because it was so noisy at her side. so i ignored her and went back to sleep and it was about 12.12pm then i woke up. :D and went downstairs and stoned! OH CRAP! THE NANNY IS ON NOW. dantgit!
i was talking to jaime on msn. asked her who went for trng today, and six sec twos and many many sec ones. and mrloh didnt ask for me! WAH! :( I FEEL SO UNLOVED BY HIM. but i'll train this friday! i must and i will! my morning caller will call and i will get out of bed! YES! I KNOW I CAN DO IT!
I want to eat xiao long bao! but noo, mama dont allow! why? oh yeah and yesterday night, she came upstair to tell us that if we dont go to bed by half an hours time, she will switch off the power line. SO EVILL! but in the end she didnt, cause i think she was asleep by then. sean and janice said that they were hungry so they went down and made maggi mee. while i watched SMOSH production. super funny. sean liked the pokemon sped up vision. and now currently youtube is under some connection problem! :P GOSH! im listening to hilary duff- wake up! HAHAHA.
i talked to chris yesterday night about MY SPECIAL CHRSITMAS PARTY. he can be santa, i am jingles, ivan is the elf and dont who is the raindeer. i need someone bigger in size. woots! its gonna be the best christmas party ever! we will have life band christmas tree , food and drinks games and the best part EXCHANGING GIFTS! :))
GENEVIST! er, i forgotten what i wanted to shout at you. :/
With love
1:53:00 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
i spent 2hours on it. not including the clean and the airing of the room. i cleared all my papers, and i threw away VERY little things this year. WHY? i dont know. maybe i guess they are all important.
i realised that i've got alot of letters this whole. ten times more than last year. :D and i put them all in a file. and i call it MY FAN MAIL! i slept at 4am this morning case i was only dont packing at 2 and i played and stoned with my siblings. chris kept me company until 2++ then he said that he wanted to sleep. we chatted online then his mother said that he had to go offline as he is GROUNDED.
monday- i was suppose to go for trng BUT i think i was having a sore throat and was playing sims! AHA! my season family has two kids and the mother is not marrid and she slept with more than 10 men. four marrid the others are still singles. :) NAUGHTY! the first daughter is in colleage while the second one is still a child. enough of my slutish family. genevist is grounded for going out too much and watching two movies in one week! that is so not a crime! UNREASONABLE MOTHER! well she almost of another week of grounding for laughing too loudly! WHAT KIND OF CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT IS THAT?
today i went to school and bought my next year school books and stuff. i saw stephy's little sister! she is soo cute! and yeah the books are very heavy. :( i shall continue packing my ROOM. the messyist thing this house!
hear this, its really funny!
' i want to train! its so tempting BUT i just dont want to wake up!"
With love
10:20:00 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
hello all! i was forced to do this so that i could SCARE his friend.
Act 1: Classroom Scene
Narrator: Class Primary six. Sitting for PSLE this year. Students, most of them however, not worried or interested.
Bell: Ringgggggggggggggggggg
Teacher: Ok, class recess is over. I have your results for the test you sat for a week ago. Class average, 25. Of a class of 4 pupils, 3 scored 0. If you do simple calculations, which I think most of you will not, 1 person scored 100.
Boy 1: Wahh, so smart, Einstein Kristinsson’s (kris-tin-sonn-s) baby!
Teacher: no, it’s Albert Einstein and no, Jimmy’s last name is not Kristinsson, neither is it neutron so don’t bother asking.
Jimmy: I’m also not a baby, and if you’re asking, you are!
(Teacher gives out the paper)
Boy 1: Really, huh, ow paper cut!!!
Jimmy: Told you so
Boy 2: Wahh, both smart and psychic, oh could you teleport like in the movies?
Teacher: ok, ok, Jimmy, could you please pass me a plaster?
(Jimmy gets the plaster and gives it to teacher)
(Teacher put it on the boy)
Teacher: ok Jimmy, you don’t have to stay back on Friday
Jimmy: Sweet!
Teacher: as for the rest of you, retest on Friday, study hard and George stop bribing me please. If you keep giving me $100 per test, by the end of the year, I would have saved up for 3 limos, 5 bungalows and I would be able to have a money bath every hour.
George (Boy 3): is that expensive?
(Teacher looks irritated)
Jimmy: (facing the teacher) I’ll answer this question for you. (Facing George) to us yes, to you or maybe Bill gates and the president of U.S.A. no
Bell: Ringgggggggggggggggggg
Teacher: ok class dismissed!
Class: yeah!
(Running out of the class)
Narrator: Jimmy, as you can see, is your average brain-ne-act (brain-y-act), but things do not usually appear, as it seems. Soon enough, you’ll realize Jimmy isn’t that happy.
(Two weeks later)
Act 2: Classroom scene
Teacher: ok class results for yesterday’s test average; I’m disappointed to say, 11. But I’m happy to say, boy 1 scored 15, boy 2 scored 14, boy 3 scored 13 and jimmy, I’m disappointed with yours, 2.
Class: huh?
Teacher: you couldn’t even get 1=0+1 correct.
Boy 2: then where did his 2 marks come from?
Teacher: oh, the school had a new policy, write your name, date and index number and 2 marks are free for you. Anyway, to help you out for your retest this afternoon, I will be watching you, if you have any questions feel free to ask me. To keep your mind off the failure, I baked you some cookies.
Boy 1: hey, why didn’t you bake me cookies when I had 2.
Boy 2: yeah me too
Boy 3: yeah me three
Teacher: there is not enough cookie dough in the world
Jimmy: I think I need to see the school counselor
Teacher: ok, what can I do for you, Jimmy?
Jimmy: you’re not the school counselor
Teacher: well, I got a promotion for improving the overall class grades, and I am now a school counselor as well. So, what can I do for you?
Jimmy, I’ve been feeling over-pressurized lately. I feel over-pressurized over-burdened, over-stressed, over…
Teacher: ok, I think I get the picture.
Jimmy: any remedies?
Teacher: To get your grades up, yes. to get your spirits up, no. However, I think I know some people who have remedies for that.
Jimmy: who? Is it people I know?
Teacher: Oh, you know them all right. In fact, they’re in this room
Jimmy: please not your talking pens. You gave them to me when I had the flu and you it would cure me but instead, it gave me a headache.
Teacher: this time I’m meant your classmates
Jimmy: classmate! My classmates! They can’t even do 1 times table!
Teacher: actually they scored full marks in that section. Seriously my point is be a kid, have some fun. But not too much fun. Think about it this way, all work and no play make Jimmy a dull boy.
Jimmy: Jack! Make Jack a dull boy, my name is Jimmy, you can’t change proverbs, but I get your point.
Narrator: and so Jimmy played with his classmates and had fun. Eventually his grades when up and they live happily ever after, too bad this isn’t a fairy tale.
Boy 1: Moral 1 all work and no play make anyone a dull person
Boy 2: Moral 2 Pressure can really be annoying
Jimmy: Moral 3 classmates and teachers are always with no matter what
Please rate- on the tag box.
1 to 10.
10 being the best(:
thank you
and i hope that you enjoyed it
so sexy
hu haha
With love
1:33:00 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Taylor Lautner-acter in shark boy and lava girl
i woke up at 12 and ate beef noodles, played sims for 3 hours and then i watched telly all the way until 9.00pm. shark boy and lavagirl show is damm lame! we kept funny about its lameness and jamie found it so lame that she decided to stop watching. TODAY ON DISNEY CHANNEL IT WAS WENDY WU! ahaha. most of the show was fighting and i think in half an hour, the show will be over cuase the fighting takes one hour. :)
Give it up to me-Sean Paul.
ITS FABULOUS :) my sister's friend said that her blog content was damm funny! THANK YOU! i typed all that out. pearlyn just messages me: do you want to watch the grudge 2 again? ARE YOU KIDDING? i could barely sleep that day. i even have AFTERNOONMARES. :P
With love
9:59:00 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
had trng in the morning, i met patrick then we walked to school together. when we go there, i saw mr.loh pointing at me. i thought he was talking about me saying that why am i with him BUT actually he was saying "look at that girl galek galek" >:( did ten rounds for warm up then drills.
then jac pearlyn and i went to pearlyn's house to slack while pearl change into something CLEAN. talked alot of rubbish and got hit by jac MANY MANY times. went to cine and watched STEP UP! went to heeren for lunch. i order wanton mee and with chilli. i didnt know jac couldnt eat chilli! she ate so slow and was tearing. pearlyn fed her while i ate her share. saw the time and quickly ran to cine. we ran and stopped and gen said that she can feel the teh ping coming up. lucky, we got into the theatre in time for the movie, well we still had 5mins. (SAME THEATRE AS THE GRUDGE 2, THEATRE 3)
during the movie, pearlyn gen and i kept on laughing and making alot of noise. pearlyn accident took out the arm rest of the other side and we laughed at it and tried putting it into our bags. but it couldnt fit. we laugh and made stupid faces at jac. :D gen and i were laughing at the smallest thing they did. since we sat at the back, everytime they danced or a nice song came on, i would stand on the chair and start dancing. HAHA
With love
9:15:00 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
is so sexy.
With love
11:25:00 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
the grudge 2
today was my first training for the WHOLE holiday. and it was toturous, for warm up, we did like 10 rounds. my stamina is horrible, i think about the 6 round i was sturggling. NO GOOD! well enough about trng. after trng, gen jaime and i wanted to watch a movie BUT we only decided at cine. i wanted to watch the grudge while jaime didnt want but i begged her and pleaded. and i told her if she couldnt sleep then she could call me as i wouldnt be able to sleep anyways. jac and i were complaint on how hurngy we were and i asked gen to follow me to the ticket booth and bought the last row, two couple sits, right in the center. :D. we ate at this really horrible japanese "fast food" restaurant. the food was YUCK. all we talked about was sports day, traning, our primary school cca, etc. we stayed there for about one hour, then jaime went to buy her drink while me and jac went to the washroom. as we went down the escalator i saw a girl who looks like pat from the side, but when she went up the escalator, i kept looking, and realised that it was margaux. one of hui shan, sipei, claudia's friend. AND I KNOW THAT MY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS IS BIG. teet. i talked to her and blah blah.
when in the theatre, i got so excited and jaime and gen were perparing themselves while jac just kept asking me to sit down and dont make so make noise. GEEZ! during the movie, i was holding on to jac's hand throughout the whole show and almost my eyes were shut(half an eye was still open) gen jaime and i only FULLY OPEN our eyes when its bright. other than that its always one , half and eye or completely covered.
BUT THE BEST PART WAS, WHEN THE KID APPEARS, WE ALL SCREAMED AND JAC HAD TO COVER HER EYES AS OUR SCREAMS WERE REALLY HIGH. WE SCREAMED AND SCREAMED. only ones in the theatre making all the noises. after the movie, met margaux in the toilet.
and she was watching the movie ALONE. woahh! i invited her to walk with us for awhile. walked-talked about our circle of friends-window shopped.then we all when home. i got home and slept really long. my sisters kept diturbing me during my sleep and making so much noise. ANNOYING. :/ hmph! then dont what happened, i had a really bad dream. it was damm scary, afternoonmare. theres was a staute, which was accidently broken, then inside was a heart, a
real live beating bleeding heart. and it was still moving. and theres another
one. i asked my mama to bring me to church in the middle of the night and then
the lights when off and something was written on the mirror then suddenly a
baby's head was struggling to come out from the door. and it was crying!
it was horrible. WAH! woke up and smiled at my mama and turned on the telly and watched princess hours. :D ate dinner and i kept my eyes open when i shower. im scared!
this week has been a movie marathon! i watch material girls, the grudge 2 and on friday, im gonna watch STEP UP! with jac again and pearlyn gen and maybe jaime.currently im aching and joshua is counting sheeping cause he cant sleep! haha 100!
hello clarissa. still want to pay for my ticket? <3
With love
10:35:00 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
its been forever since me and stella last towned together.
but we are towning this saturday. NO MORE VIVO CITY PLEASE. i had enough of that place. :/ i'm waiting for my nail polish to dry so i can shower. i just cleaned it off yesterday and now i'm painting it back on. i'm not sure if i'm still going out with gen and jac tmr. i seriously hope that we dont go to vivo or town. i wish a new shopping mall would open. with new shops and new restaurant. singapore is so boring. its time for something new and exciting. URGHmeow. :D i will start going for training from tmr onwards. YES i must. determination! clarissa! you are realy annoying me right now! just shessh STUPID!:D thank you!AND I ALSO KNOW THAT YOU LOVE OH SO VERY more thing. you are sooo weird, but still sweet. haha i cant wait for us to turn sec three. we will have even more fun then this and last year alright? you me and lolo will all be in the different class man!:( <---- see my sad face?
i watched meterial girls with my sister and mama. the show wasnt very nice though.its was daddy is homee! YAY! we are going to raffles tmr. i feel super lousy now.DANGIT. i want to go out everyday and spend alot of money on stuff. i want candy and sweets and alot of clothes. blah blaah. WATCH ME BANG MYSELF.BANG BANG BANG
With love
9:01:00 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
1. Do the following without complaint
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she has been tagged.
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.
Favourite Colour: Orange, Yellow, Red. oh... one colour har? Orange.
Favourite Food: Japanese,Chinese,AmercianCuisine
Favourite Song:
Favourite Movie: all moive which is funny and none horror.
Favourite Sport: none, though im in track.
Favourite Day of the Week: Wednesday
Favourite Season: WINTER.
Favourite Ice-Cream: ICE CREAM-dark chocolate.
Current Mood: tired and sleepy
Current Taste: soup from dinner
Current Clothes: school PE shirt and white Fbt shorts.
Current Desktop: the acer bacckground
Current Toe Nail Colour: Blueish green
Current Time: 8.13 p.m
Current Surroundings: outside my room.
Current Annoyance: the loud tv downstairs.
Current Thoughts: What else did parents buy for me?
First Best Friend: Chirstine and Justine Foo
First Crush: some boy in kindergarten
First Movie: the little mermaid. i think.:D
First Lie: not sure.
First Music: er. some weird song.
Last Cigarette: Never will try.
Last Drink: coke light.
Last Car Ride: Took a bus back home.
Last Crush: cant remember.
Last Movie: The Covenant
Last Phone Call: someone called and said "oh sorry wrong number"
Last CD Played: Westlife.
Have You Ever Dated One of Your Best Friend: Nope. :)
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Illegally. download music.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No.
Have You Ever Skinny-Dipped: NO!
Have You Ever been on TV: i think so? or maybe not.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Dont Know: no
1 thing You Do When You Are Bored:- Stone for awhile then slowly doze to sleep.
2 Things You Can Hear Right Now:- the telly, my sister's conversation, my sister and her boyfriend talking.
3 Things You Did Today:-watched tv, ate, slept and used the computer.
4 Things You Are Wearing:- levi jean, zara top, fcuk shirt, outfitters shirt.
5 People to do this quiz:- everyone i know. please!
can you say trey annoying? my brother is so annoying! this whole morning he kept whining. "i want to go out! i have no life. why are you always going out? can you bring me out? i want to buy things. i havent taken the mrt before this whole year" theres more but yeah. he kept repeating them over and over and over again. i also wanted to go out but i have no one!:( so sad! yes. today is a sunday. sunday = to family day. my parents are coming home tmr morning 1.30am. im going there myself today! WOOTS! haha. alright. this is the first time im going there by myself. and its the green line. but its damm far from i think i shall go vivo city today. but i;m not comfirm if i'm still going out. pffts
i must wake up and go to school on monday. to collect the class results. oh man! i hope i get into the class i want. its raining again. so sian, i dont feel like going out anymore. bleahh.
oh well, once my parents are home, no more outing from morning to night and just going out whenever i want. have to seek permission and ask one day before. cannot just "bye jo. i'm going out" is such a boring sunday. and the change of blogskin was totally done by me! ALRIGHT i finally learnt. UH HUH!:D
With love
5:51:00 PM
i so fucking love this WHOLE WEEK!
monday- supposed to go for trng but didnt. stayed home and slacked
tuesday-went out with jac and bought a new top, two nail polish and a pair of diva earrings.(vivo city)
wednesday- again suppose to go for trng but didnt cause i over slept. met up with pearlyn and jac and walked around toa payoh. then got home and watched tv and stone.(toapayoh)
thursday-went out with nick in the morning, then in the afternoon went out with brian aaron and justin. walked around and played and stoned. WOAHH! after that bout 5 met up with nick again then walked and ate then went home to watch goong.(town,raffles city, vivo city, city hall, someulou place, marina)
friday- went out with patrick from morning to evening. watched movie, played, talked about ALOT of "stuff" :) met up with sipei and jiyin later. then when home and watched goong.(town,vivo city)
saturday- celebrated caroline's 14 birthday at cafe cartel. met up with siblings the got home and then one hour later went out to meet brian and aaron outside the prata house bus stop. we walked and ate at BK. :/ walked ALOT again. i wore shoe! first time this week. they talked WEIRD LANGUAGED. but still had alot of fun. yanyan and aa. we watched a fashion show. talked cork and did rubbish! walked through a SCARY PLACE. drink tehping. (upper thomson,bishan, raffles city, esplanade, amk everywhere.) and watched a performance which was quite nice. the tune was quite catchy. :) so funn.
With love
1:03:00 AM
Friday, November 03, 2006
this story has no meaning at all. but its just nice to read. well actually i'm just bored. its totally MADE-UP.
SO ENJOY:D but dont laugh until you choke annabelle.
BLEAHH! you WHEE BANANA. GAGAGOLGOL"says the old man near the river with a pocket full of worms. eating carrots and drinking yakults near the river bank with his mistress and his pet dog. his wife is secretly looking through a window. watching their everymove. kissing and touching. eyer!the wife came out the hut and yell!" why are you kissing my niece?" the old man was shocked! "shes your niece? gosh! i didnt know that. dang!" the old man was super embarrassed. but it was already too late. she was 4 months pregnant with his 5th child. scandals pair. and the old man didnt have sex with his wife in 8 years. since they got marrid they only had sex once. so what she did for pleasure was, every weekend, she would go to town to find her "boyfriend"a.k.a fuck buddy. he was tall dark and handsome. and he was only 18 while she was 40. old wrinkled and flabby. the old man was horrified and was ashamed. the other four kids are 12 9 5 3 and 1 year old. the niece didnt know that was her uncle. but she didnt care. her parents were hookers and grandmother was a slut working at the pizza place. serving pizza to old rich bastards. in her undies. WOW. she earn tonns of DIRTY cash. fast money. the niece was actually marrid to the man who works near the pencil shop. she bear 17 children for him. she was forced to give birth until she got a boy as the first 16 childrens were girls. and finally the last one was a boy. an Gorgeous, he had diry blonde hair, very fine features and perfect EVERYTHING. and he was tiny. but the father still loved him more than the girls. the girls were sold to rich man. with handsomes sons. the daughters led a WAY MORE BETTER life than the son. from having nothing to having EVERYTHING. he only one meal a day. and his mother left him after birth for her uncle and his father is a Womanizer. every other his father would bring back a bitch from somewhere and have sex with her. hoping that she will get pregnant then dump her and get another slut. he did that until he died. died of exhaustion. his willy was like down. no more sperm in his balls. so the son became like him and died the same way but earn wayy way much more than him cause he changes the old woman money. $2000 a night. so SMART.
With love
10:06:00 PM
YUPP.. hello jamie! :D
With love
8:37:00 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
today was a very eventful day. i woke up at 9.30am. damm early.lucky nick messaged me in the morning if not i think i would not have woken up. :) met him at bishan interchange, we planned to go and walk around at bishan but end up in town. reached town, he wanted to buy a pair a slippers BUT the shops were still close. we walked from far east to heeren to paragon. went to toy r us and played with the toys acted like kids. then stella messaged to go to vivo city as she was on her way there. before we went there, i walked in a store and sprayed on perfume which accidently got onto him. i told him that he smelt "PRETTY" only on the left side.
went to vivo city and both of us complaint that the place was too cold. eat bens and jerrys. did some stupid stuff, before we headed to the mrt station as he had to go for trng. so i went home. half an hour later, brian called me when i was listening to 'chasing car'. went to city hall and met brian aaron justin. i have no idea where the walked to but i just follow. i had fun with them though. we ended up in town and got justin a shirt. brian said that i had alot of comments to say. we went to raffles city, marina, some where near funain, town.nearly wanted to go vivo city.bleahh.i met up with nick again at pacific plaza. introduced them, and left to heeren and got him a pair a slippers-$21. walked around, then i said that i was hungry " too hungry, need food" haha :D finally we ate at pastamania. garlic bread- $1.00 garlic bread is cheap. eat 5 and you will be stuffed. haha we ate spicy chicken. the chilli was damm fucking spicy. we kept drinking the ice lemon tea and eating the ice. nick choked on chilli while i nearly choked and vomited:D but it was fun!
With love
9:30:00 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
alright! i went vivo city with jac, and this was our very first outing together! we walked for about three hours. firstly, i said to meet her at candy empire but i went up to the second floor and i got lost cause i didnt know how to get to basement 2. i walked around and walked pass the center christmas decoration 5 times. then when jac came, we contiuned to walk and walk and walk. i went in to forever 21, hoping to find presents for friends. but the thongs cause $9 each. and i only got $20:( so i didnt buy it. sorry girls!:D i wanted to bens and jerry but i couldn't it. and i also wanted to go to THEFACESHOP. but jac said that we walked pass it BUT i choose to believe not. went the information counter and relieased that we have. OOPS! half way while walking, i told jac that i'll race her there. I WON! WITH SLIPPERS. aha! i bought two nail polish, purple and blue. and i painted it the minute i got home, after i washed my feet of course. teet. i also bought a new top from zara which costed my $30. jac paid for it first. THANK YOU SWEETIE. jac and i walked about for half an hour until we found stella and cheryl's work place. bens and jerrys. i wanted to get free ice cream but the place to far to crowded! DANGIT. it was fun. then jac wanted to go home. oh and while my siblings were all relaxing and janice and sean where fixing the jigsaw, an accident happened. BANG! this boy from my neighbourhood, hit our cable box. so no tv for then night at it was only 12.12am. and i was watching jojo make a sandwhich. STOOPID BOY. no driving license. actually it was quite exciting, some entertainment for the night then its off to bed.
jac messaged me in the morning at 9.45am. "you never come for trng. you stupid idiot."
and i was like SHIT! i missed trng AGAIN! so i quickly washed up and then i went to toa payoh and met up with jac and pearlyn. we walked around toa payoh for two hours. it was quite fun thought. :DDD .
in going to meet nick in the morning in bishan. we are going to walk and stone and not spend anycash. ahaha cause im broke.
With love
9:14:00 PM