Friday, April 13, 2007

ohmygosh! finally, blogger was being such a bitch for NOT letting me blogging for the last month! well tmr would be the last month and 14 April. so much has happened. SERIOUSLY.

there were alot scandals and gossips going around in school and all sorts of things has happened to my group of WONDERFUL friends. like for one, Clare is my whore! HELLO CLAREY THE WHORE! better type me a letter :D

track&field training has been real fun. this Monday, Mr.loh called me a monkey&&and for the last run, i kicked down all five hurdles with one run. five HORRIBLE steps, however, for the last hurdle i had to U-turn to kick it down. but it was really fun. gen tried to jump, she jumps retardedly.

MY SASSY JAC! my sweet darling, she has a suitor. super super super suprising, and something else! :] heehee. hey babe~ GEN, do you have anymore gossipppppppppp? well i have. one! but theres much to talk about! call me later tonight.

today was ijfiesta it was DA BOMB. i got painted on, got wet, dirty and had egg white all over my hand. we played laughed hugged run (thanks to tyanne, i chased her around the track!) also got myself a little mermaid tattoo for $1. so tired, ill make this quick cause im super sleepy, after that Esther fatin Clare and i went out and camwhoredd.

LOVE YOU GUYS! gossip later tonight. call me! conference!
picturess! which sadly cannot open! grrrr.
THEREFORE main thing is, i had fun. ME ME ME! its so NOT about you! HMPH A!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWith love 6:13:00 PM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

its been 9 days since i last blogged so yah, nothing much happened lately. we had a track KDF walk thing, which was really tiring but after the walk, we had alots of fun doing rubbish. like going all the way to kovan just to play a few silly games, like truth or dare. my dare was to do the kissy-face outside. went for the st.Patrick's day thing, i wanted to watch the dance but it only starts at 3 and i had to be home by 4 so i played for a little while then left.

i was late for training, jac wore a new pair of earrings, er..
disturbed jac about her Jacob, and talking about 'things'
made a new friend? well sort of. OH&&watched desperate housewives. :D yay!
and played mahjong.

suppose to meet up with gen for the movie but she couldn't cause of her stupid science project. went to Malaysia and ate bak kut tuay. when to town then vivo with my sister. we only spent like 30 mins at vivo forever 21 and then daddy called and asked us to follow him to the hospital to visit my grandfather. got home ate and played more mahjong.

my folks went to Taipei, i woke up 4 times cause my stupid alarm which i forgot to turn it off. silly me. watch little mermaid and stupid gen didn't wake up and she blames me for not waking her up. met steph Jamie and gen at the bishan mrt and tyanne and jac was somehow in the same train as us. the ohmygoshness of today was jac. she was looking so fine! polo t -black, belt, nice cargo shorts and shoes. pretty shoes. but its covered. :/ but i was in total shock. seriously shocked! i can say one thing about the sec ones. they don't know how to get to cine. cause Janet got lost, and Amanda Chia went the wrong way. sheesh! watched the movie music&lyrics. it was pretty nice and Amanda tyanne and i ran to the front and watched the movie. half way cause there were no one sitting there. the cinema was super cold. and it was funny. Amanda and i were laughing so loudly and starting clapping and singing!

haha, then after the movie, all of us went to talk neoprints at heeren and jac&i got Jamie's present. neo prints were corrupted cause only a few had everyone face init. cause we all crowded around the camera. on our way back to school in a taxi, i had to go to the hospital with my grandma and sister to visit my grandfather and the doctors wanted him to be the soon-to-be-doctor's test? or something like that. for just sitting around, you would get $70! ka-ching! so i kinda skipped training today. but it was for a good cause. my grandfather. Cheryl's party is this Friday. have to get her present wrapped.


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWith love 5:46:00 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

Clare and i were like doing nonsense and talking nonsense the whole day. we talked about what i would give up for lent. i told her that i would give up hurdles for the next 40 days. by that 40 days is over, I'll be super rusty. during PE, Ms.tiru didn't show up cause of some stupid excuse, anyway, Ms Teo JL was there too to take over her class. i can say that she is insane, we had to do a total of 12 rounds [that's like 2.4km] 30 sit up, 20 back up, 20 push up, 20 dips and 20 pull ups. after each exercise, we would have to do two rounds. insanity!

recess, i was a total nut. i ate non-stop. Clare was teasing me that are you that hungry, if you eat anymore, you are really going to throw up. Andrea donated 70 cents to me for my Oreo cupcake which i finished in 5 mins. DAMM I'm good!

Syne was another insane one. i was just tieng my hair, she was 'CAN YOU QUICKLY TIE YOUR HAIR?'she shouted. insane! then she went on yelling at us about rubbish! totally nutcase. wood bridge, take her away boys! crazy, one minute talking to us normally, the next yelling and Vanessa was giving me the i am scared of her look.

when for the netball match -
ij:34 smss:10/11 [C division]
ij:19 rgs:30 [B division]
after the match, i went for trng. we started about 5? and then i had to do hurdles alone cause Zoe did her long jump. i hurdled, carried the hurdle but didn't have strength so i NEARLY tripped and got at least 5 blue blacks on both my legs. CHEEBAI!
first toa payoh, came and teased. they laughed and said ' i also can hurdle! so easy!' then he did the action and a bunch of boys and girls were walking and i think they wanted to hurdle, but i was siting in the between both hurdles. STUPID PEOPLE! they teased so badly, i fell super hurt
like you can hurdle like that! three fucking steps. aiyer, no mood to continue. stupid freaks. :/ so annoying. and the sec ones too! don't know how to cheer for their seniors. AND YOU STILL CAN CALL YOURSELF AND IJ GIRL! sheeesh! you are an embarrassment to IJ.


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWith love 6:45:00 PM

Saturday, March 03, 2007

hello everyone! i am sick and camp was SUCKISH.

the food was horrible
the rice was always uncook hard, the fish is always so hard to chew, the styrofoam boxes are so unhealty && aiya, OVERALL THE FOOD FAILS.

sleeping area
the tents were dark smelly small dirty wet. there were no light, and the tent pec was always kicked away. grr. stupid tent. you fugly blue thing. >:[

place where we meet up for meals and meet area
that place is always muddy [full stop]! and never clean. maybe once, when nobody stepped on it YET.
everything else was horrible. no need to it, its either muddy wet smelly dirty or just destroy.

on the first day, we were all super excited. but the RAIN was to blame. it made everything impossible to accomplish. the rain made the first day bad. our class was suppose to do the ropes and stuff but due to the rain, all we could do is sing cheer shout scream anything to do with our voices. we shouted for about 7 hours on the first day, and got a sore throat next day. some loserish people went home cause they weren't feel any good! I WASN'T FEELING GOOD BUT I STILL STAYED. & it was because i wasn't allowed too. double Gr. anyway, during the break, i had a 'stomach' so i went to sit with Mr.Chan and drank hot Milo. he kept saying how rich my family is. hello?! I'm always broke.

made our fugly tents and got wet and dirty. i wanted to be in the middle cause i have a thing for being in the center. :D from the Costa sands resort to our tent area was fucking far! we had to walk like ten mins just to get from place to another. we walked like idiots. walking back and fourth. food was as i said, horrible but the wasn't that bad, at least i ate full.

showering was a nightmare. we had to this SUPER DUPER EXTREMELY LONG queue. and each girl took at least 5 mins. there one case when 3 girls went the shower together. CRAZY. you think like this can save time meh? whatever! i managed to shower but i had to make it really fast. like ZOOM. the water was icy cold. had to step on that black 'button' for water to come out.

finally sleeping time. i slept quite alright. but Andrea said i had heavy breathing, fatin said i squashed her and kicked her ONCE ,Clare said i slept the first and poked me to double check. thank god i slept cause the next day was sunny then rainy.

second day, brushing of teeth and peeing was crowded usual, breakfast was this hard-to-swallow beehoon. it was tasteless and hard to chew. changed into track pants, brought also extra clothes to change for the dragon boating. i was excited and thought it wouldn't rain so early, dang i was wrong. it started to drizzle when i was on the high elements. it was scary and rather fun though. leong was the first to go on and i was second. climbing up that pillar with staples wasn't easy. we had to go behind of this white rope which they should just cut off. i kept shouting and screaming. my class cheered me on! ALRIGHT! i shouted stop pulling stop pulling damn loudly, it was so loud until the last class the side could hear. and when Lydia told me to jump down, i screamed at her, 'ARE YOU INSANE? YOU WANT ME TO FALL BACKWARDS?' everyone laughed, but it ain't funny. i screamed as i squat and reluctantly SLOWLY jumped off the cable. i was screaming and shouting loudly and i was the only one who did jumped. super scary.

dragon boating was fun, until i leaked and it rained. some stupid school went water on us and i was totally drenched in dirty sea water. stupid them! Andrea and i could be the first to shower however they told me to just change as it was still raining and that we couldn't go up the bus wet. and my class was practicing the GALA night which was alright i guess? it rained, i got cold and fell sick. phua got to go home as she had a fever, i cried cause i was cold and Ms. shanti brought me to shower and changed my clothes.

thank god, we slept in school they next day! WHOO! morning, played some games and YES FINALLY IM HOME. watched john tucker must die and slept for four hours. yah, i miss my shower so much. my big clean no time limit shower. with a heater and better soap. i miss my family, food, technology, and my bed. the thing i miss the most is the WHOLE house. :D plus fridge. that's important too! we had our last goodbye and said bye to everyone - the instructors. though Joyce wasn't my instructor, i was still quite close to her. :D imy. however the experience was unforgettable. as it was it was weird?

Debra this is for you:
dear Debra, you are so going to die on Monday, i am going to make you use the dirty toilet, carry my bag, as we had to carry our bags and walked so much, make you eat uncooked rice. but i actually cant do that to you cause you are still unwell and we don't have such place in school. but you better beware. you are dead! :D

dongalingalong, gossip about project 101.

with love, JAC THE MIDDLE KID! :D


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWith love 10:40:00 PM

Monday, February 26, 2007

&i can be your favourite girl.

I've bought a new phone which currently spoilt cause of my itchy finger. naughty Jac. I've been lazy and but i trained except today. i only did the warm up and left. :/ i miss my phone already anyway, the updates!

Mr.B Chan made an improvement. he WAVED hello to me this morning! alright! didn't get caught for anything this week! alright!

ADVENTURE CAMP IS THIS THURSDAY! AHHH i cant wait! i want to play i want to NOT get dirty and i want to scare everyone while they are asleep in their pretty tent! WHOO!

today for PE, i actually ran and played rugby. it was so tiring, i kept running up and down, my team was losing badly therefore lavanya made up put our hands in the shout the word 'LOSERS' tiru made us run 8 rounds for warm up, 1 round for not pay attention to her while she was saying don't know what and made me do 5 push up cause i was the last one to go to the field. this is bullshit man! i so wasn't the last person to report there.

Tan Poh Yoke punished both Debra and i for switching places. she made up stand on the chair at the back of the class. it was totally retarded. In the end, we sat down in front. GRR. there were green water came out from the drain today and i stepped on it. barefoot, now my feet feels wrinkling. eee

Note to everyone-bring your thermometers!

SHELLY has been talking to friend

mission#1 - make friend spill the dirt about himself : complete
mission#2 - seduce him and make him like Shelly.

die you little monster. you fat ugly no life freak. freak show like you are meant for the circus!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWith love 4:48:00 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

This morning has been a very hectic one. first time i got to class was i did my homeecon 'mindmap' when everyone started coming in to class, they were like oh shit! never do. rushing to finish before the bell rings. writing so fast, making so much noise. however debra stood her ground - i dont give a damm about doing the homeecon thing.

during homeecon, mdm goh just looked through but she didnt really scold those who didnt do. so weird. GRR. i was super quiet and did my stupid task analysis thing cuase i was tired and my ulcer hurts like a bitch. obession over the little mermaid continues. :D

we made a plan to crush and destroy and actually gave this poor nolife boy something to do. it was to try to impress us. MUHAHA. i doubt his tiny mind can do so as he is fat ugly and fat. The plan was brillant. it was test and to see is this stupid boy going to meet up with a dude. HAHA. then i was like saying this with a weird accent ' yo dude! you are so not a chick man! you are fucking DUDE! man, i cant believe i flirted with a dude! yuck!'

SS was stupid. Mr.Chan was so annoying. he shut up me again and he was in class therefore he was pissing me off. then it got abit fun. assmebly was funny - the briefing on the adv camp! AHHA but no indoor pumbling. yuck.

hui geok! you are suck a irritating person. hello! my bag was there first you evil nasty. DIE DIE DIE! >:[ DIE! BE GONE POOF AWAY. SO SOMEWHERE I CANT SEE OR HEAR YOU! grr..

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWith love 6:21:00 PM

Saturday, February 17, 2007

happy one day earlier new year everyone.
im at my cousin;s place using his computer cause mine is dead and is somewhere in singapore. my sister just sent it for repair. on friday, we had a chinese new year mass celebration. blue house won the house competion, because i dont know, the big sign saying, i love bak wau and i love pork chop. jiow and chan stuck it on their shirt. hanna got slaughted and made into bakwau. after the school, we went to the girls' shower room and changed and left for seoul garden.

we made so much noise and made a video - cooking with jac&stella. we mixed all the burnt and unwanted food in. added weird drinks, ice cream, empty shells, pork beef fish chicken ice kimchi and many more rubbish into the steamboat. it was really funny. both of us looked like we were actually good cooks. andrea took a video. camwhoring most of the time. :D

after branch, we went our separate ways. clare debra and a few more went to watch epic movie while the others walked around looking for things to buy. i followed peralyn's group cause i was meeting stella later.went to forever 21 and annabelle saw a pouch with she liked but she didnt have enough money to buy it. she asked if i wanted to buy it for her. HAHA ANNABELLE, FAT CHANCE.

So i bought the wallet - red base with white dots. my sister thought it looked rather old. D-UH. it was the last piece. while i was waiting for stella&cheryl, at least 5 sales persons came up to me. asking for some donation which i didnt bother to hear. i just told them that im not INTERESTED. cheryl&stella came and walked around for at least 45mins to 1hour. waiting for cherly's mother and they bought two new tops for fourskins, which by the way is not cheap. it cost $30. and we also saw nick and dayna together.

went to lido and watched that epic movie&it was super funny. white castle is a burger place. anyways, we saw cheryl and adrian there. when we got the tickets and went into the theater, the movie just started. so lucky :D

after that, walked around and it rained. ;/ evil weather. got home and yah ate &&& slept at 10.30pm woke up of 7 8 9 10 11 and finally got out of bed. breakfast slacked and watched another movie with my sisters - just follow the law. it was funny too, the languages are those which singaporean speak and hear. before the movie, we walked around to find my nail polish, and tried on tonnes of colours just for tmr. in the end, i still bought pure green and pearl blue from the face shop and painted it in my cousin's house.

dinner was a rather chaotic. jamie kena spilled by hot soup twice & both by me. ;/ that bads. janice fell down for her chair and my slipper kena soup and now its smelly. GRR. cleaned up my nail polish to make it look nicer and played 'speed' with toylyn she is so GOOD. dont ever play with her.

Tmr is the first day of chinese new year. wishing everyone a happy new year and collect alot of angbao! :D WOAH MONEY KA-CHING$$.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWith love 9:45:00 PM


i love my telly(:


Alexandra Lee Adrian chai Andrea Beatrice Tan Camelia Tan Caroline neo Cheryl chee Christine foo Clarissa tang Clarissa Chan Clare huang Dayna ling Dewi Debra shep Doralyn Chan Edric lee Esther khoo huiyun Huishan Janice lee Jamie lew June tohbestfriend:D Justine foo Jessica Kimberly Tng Lingyu Nicholas Leong Natasha Ng Nur Fatin Michelle Goh Olga Chew Pearlyn Leong Rafael Er Sarah A. Sipei STELLA:) Samantha low stephanie Priscilla Sung Valerie Yulica foo Zoe ThreeSix 2/5CLASS BLOG


renee's birthday

Long time ago ;

August 2006
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February 2007
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April 2007

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